Tag: heart

My 21 Day Challenge Reflections

My 21 Day Challenge Reflections

Whilst I was spending a few weeks with my family in The Netherlands over Christmas and New Year, I set myself a fun little 21 day challenge (see my post for more details). It was to walk in the woods nearby every day and to 

End Of Year Reflections

End Of Year Reflections

At this time of the year a lot of people will be reflecting on the past year and planning for the year ahead. That includes me. I have taken some time for myself to go inward and look back over 2016 to explore what I 

Reflecting On Happiness

Reflecting On Happiness

How do we really know what we want and what makes us happy until we experience it? How can we know what we love, what works for us, what we need? We can make lists upon lists of what we like and don’t like, the 

Creativity Tip: What I Love

Creativity Tip: What I Love

In this week’s newsletter I shared a Creativity Tip and I would love to share this tip with my blog readers, too. I believe we are all creative, and by focusing on what we love, we enhance our individual creativity. Plus it is more fun 

Turner Versus Constable: Who Won?

Turner Versus Constable: Who Won?

At the end of September I was visiting my cousins and their families down in London for a long weekend, and I had the pleasure of fitting in two art exhibitions that were on. The first one was the “Late Turner: Painting Set Free” exhibition