Tag: birds

Bonding With My Dad Over Birds

Bonding With My Dad Over Birds

During a recent trip to The Netherlands to visit my parents and my brother, my dad and I went to one of our favourite local bird hides on my last day. I wasn’t flying till the evening so I had a full day to do 

How I Came To Love Birds

How I Came To Love Birds

I love birds. They inspire me. It wasn’t always this way though. I remember I loved animals as a child, but then somewhere along the line I lost interest in them (even though at one point I’d wanted to be a vet!), and instead turned 

The Beauty I Love Is What I Do

The Beauty I Love Is What I Do

“Let the beauty we love be what we do” – Rumi One of the beauties I love is Nature. Birds, landscapes, plants, flowers, wildlife, everything in nature. I love being in nature, too. Last October, on our monthly mini-adventure, my lovely friend Heather and I 

Fill Your Well For More Creative Energy

Fill Your Well For More Creative Energy

The other day I got up and went to one of my favourite cafes in the centre of Edinburgh to write and brainstorm a creative idea I’ve had for a while. I felt it was time to start acting on this impulse, because it wouldn’t 

A Fun Little 21 Day Challenge

A Fun Little 21 Day Challenge

A few days ago I set myself a fun little challenge to do whilst I am spending time in the Netherlands over Christmas and New Year. If you didn’t already know, I was born and brought up in the Netherlands, and my parents, who are 

Pigeons In The City

Pigeons In The City

In one of my recent blog posts, The Beauty In The Ordinary, I mentioned I was studying and sketching pigeons. It has been so much fun. This past week I had to submit some of my work from this term to my art tutor since 

Waiting: A Poem About A Gull

Waiting: A Poem About A Gull

The other week I put out a request on my Facebook page for some title suggestions for one of my pen and ink wildlife drawings. I called it Friday Fun. I didn’t expect to get so many wonderful suggestions! It thrilled me to bits. I 

Beauty In The Ordinary

Beauty In The Ordinary

Over the last few months I have been immersed in my creative work, in particular in my art practice. I have been observing and recording ordinary birds, such as gulls and pigeons. Some people have questioned – out of interest and curiosity – why I 

Mini-Adventure: Bird Watching With My Dad

Mini-Adventure: Bird Watching With My Dad

Last week I had a few days off and enjoyed Easter at my Mum and Dad’s place in The Netherlands. It’s where I was born and brought up, though my parents are English and are long-term expats there. So far, in total, I’ve lived about 

Winged Wildlife Drawings: The Story Behind The Range

Winged Wildlife Drawings: The Story Behind The Range

As some of you may have seen on my social media channels, I have a range of pen and ink wildlife drawings that I call the Winged Wildlife range. from left to right: White swan, small owl, eider duck, tawny owl, robin balancing on a