A Course in Art
Last month I started a distance learning art course in illustrations and since then I have been busy sketching, drawing and submitting my work for feedback.
Here are some examples of the sketches and drawings that I have done during my ‘play-time’.
The above were quick sketches I did one after another, using charcoal, my favourite choice for drawing and sketching.
Same for this one as the ones before.
This landscape drawing was done with a 4B pencil.
The course is a fun hobby course that is getting me back into making art more regularly. I used to draw extensively as a child, and I took Art as a subject all the way to finals. Then when I left school and went to university my artistic side slowly slid into the background, only popping up here and there when I remembered how I loved to draw. Now, more than a decade later, I realise how much I’ve missed it and doing this course has helped me to reach that clarity.
Do you love to draw? What type of art did you enjoy as a child? How can you re-introduce it into your life?