My Business Retreat Adventure
The other week I travelled to the States for a business-building retreat, and the whole trip was an adventure.
Some of you may not know, I am on a wonderful business coaching programme and I have a business coach: the lovely Christine Kane and team at Uplevel You.
Since being on the programme, I’ve come to see the value and the absolute necessity to having a business coach – whilst I am starting up and building my business, and also beyond.
my uplevel bag for all my business ideas!
I used to run a business before: I was a personal trainer, sports massage therapist and hypnotherapist. It was the first time I’d ever gone freelance and to be honest I had no clue what I was doing or was meant to be doing to run my business! Somehow I managed but I was continually stressed and worried. I was duct taping it all together – a phrase that Christine herself often uses to describe the way some entrepreneurs operate. And I used to be like that!
I haven’t come across anyone whose work resonates with me as much as Christine’s does. I first discovered her through her word of the year and vision board exercises a few years ago. Ever since I have been on her newsletter, following her as she continues to share so much valuable information.
This year, after I decided once and for all that it was time to set up my creative business, I knew I needed help. I needed a mentor. I needed a blue print for running a business – something that would show me what was possible, and how to implement it. And not only that, it would be something that would provide me with one-on-one support, accountability and being part of a community of entrepreneurs. Because I know I am in it for the long haul.
Enter Uplevel Academy.
Uplevel retreat asheville, nc
The two-day retreat in Asheville, NC – which is part of the programme – was a chance to delve deeply into my business, marketing and sales. It was a chance to connect with like-minded, heart-centred entrepreneurs and forge new friendships, as well as brainstorm ideas to develop my business. I loved talking to a couple of artists who have been ‘in the game’ longer than I have and they gave me great advice – I also know that I can call on them if I need any more help in the future.
There was an opportunity to mastermind with five fellow entrepreneurs and that was a truly wonderful experience. We went round the table and each had a turn, and I got as much out of helping the other five women as I did when it was my turn to discuss my challenge.
I am proud of committing to investing in myself and in my success – I am done with struggle, lack and having to scrape by. I am done with the “starving artist” myth and the belief that you can’t make money from being an artist.
I want to create a new belief of what it means to be an artist and an entrepreneur. I want to be prosperous, thriving, wealthy and of service and inspiration to others.
And I am excited to be part of a new class of entrepreneurs where soul and strategy go hand in hand.
What about you, how often do you invest in yourself whether it’s personal growth or career growth? Or what about investing in your creative passions?
I enjoyed meeting you in Asheville and loved reading the story of your adventure. So happy to hear that you have found a studio to do your genius work.
Really enjoyed meeting you, too, Corinne! Thank you for your lovely feedback. I am really excited about my new studio. I shall be blogging about that story soon!
Carrie, glad you had a great time at this event. Retreats like these can be so beneficial to small businesses and freelancers. I absolutely LOVE the idea of mastermind sessions. I will personally be attending one coming up at Ultimate Wealth Weekend, in Toronto. The format seems very similar to what you attended here.
UWW is also an event geared to training people on marketing, sales, and growing their business. Having a mentor can be HUGE to entrepreneurs like us. I am blessed to have been taken under the wing of Paul Tobey, who is speaking at the event. If you’d like to find out more, check out my blog post at 3 Secrets to Success at UWW