Questioning Creativity: Breathing Space
Last Sunday I was honoured to host the fifth Questioning Creativity panel discussion at the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh. The topic this time was Breathing Space, one of my favourite things to explore and talk about.
Along with my four panel members – Chris Dobson, Ellie Walker, Kara Brown and Dawn Breslin – we explored, among other things, what breathing space meant to us, how we deal with breaks and gaps in work, and how we could work more in rhythm with our natures.
About three-quarters of the way through, the audience was invited to chime into the discussion to ask questions, and/or share their observations and thoughts. It was great having that extra interaction and connection. I enjoyed being a host this time (I was a participant in the Journey vs Destination panel) as well as meeting other creative people and hearing their stories.
These Questioning Creativity panels are run by Edinburgh Student Arts Festival (ESAF) in collaboration with Sandbox.
ESAF is Edinburgh’s first city-wide student arts festival that brings together five higher education and further education institutions across the city, and Sandbox is a new creative collective, formed by students in Edinburgh, focusing on collaboration and bridging the gap between students and industry.
This particular panel was also part of ESAF’s arts festival that is taking place now across Edinburgh until March 5th, 2017. For more information about their other events, please see ESAF’s Facebook page.
And if you’d like to attend the next Questioning Creativity panel titled “What is a Creative Career?”, it is at Edinburgh College of Art on Friday 3rd March 2017 – click here for more details.
The Breathing Space panel discussion has been recorded and is now available to listen to as a free podcast. Please click on the link below and feel free to share it!
P.S. If you’d like to listen to the other discussions in the series, please visit the Soundcloud page. Photos courtesy of Sandbox and used with permission.