Take Yourself On A Date
I often take myself on a date.
An artist’s date, a writer’s date or a well-being date; whatever you want to call it, it’s doing something for myself that I love, enjoy and feel good about that nurtures my soul.
For example, I will take myself to a bookshop café where I can do some writing and exploring of ideas, as well as spend time perusing books. The other day I was in the Waterstones bookshop overlooking Edinburgh Castle and browsing the travel section – travel writing as well as guide books – imagining where I’d like to go and explore (next). It also inspired me to remember my own travels and adventures and how I’d like to write about them more, and how I could start to make that happen.
This is what I love about these dates: I never know what I’m going to discover!
Exploring museums and art galleries on my own are my favourite kinds of dates, too. I observe what drew me to a piece. I look at what it is that I like and/or don’t like. What I could perhaps try or what I could take, transform and make my own.
Or not! Sometimes I just go and take things in, with no agenda to do anything with it. I am there for the pure joy of the experience.
My curiosity guides me and I trust it.
I might pick up a book on a topic I’d normally not read, or I go and see an artist’s exhibition that I wouldn’t normally pay attention to. Something was sparked within me and I want to explore it further. It may not make sense at the time, but some time later it might. It might help me make a connection or a discovery that excites me, perhaps I learn something new. For me, this is part of the fun.
I first read about artist’s dates when I picked up The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, what feels like many moons ago. She suggested doing them as you worked through the book week by week, alongside writing morning pages (stream of consciousness writing) and regular walks.
These dates are integral to my life and underpin my creativity and well-being. They bring a smile to my face as I sit there in the café writing and staring out the window, reflecting on how blessed I feel that I can choose to spend my time this way.
It’s magical.
Where could you take yourself on a date? What sounds like fun to you? Feel free to share in the comments, I’d love to know.