Tag: Writing

Sketching The Birds At Belhaven Bay

Sketching The Birds At Belhaven Bay

Since the start of 2022 I have been going down to Belhaven Bay regularly to sketch the birds in a coastal landscape for my next body of work. I love walking down to the coast from the house. The adventure starts as soon as I 

Ride The Waves Of Life

Ride The Waves Of Life

Yet again it has been a while since I last wrote a blog post. A lot has been going on and I consciously parked writing and blogging since I chose to focus on other things as a matter of priority. Many changes have happened, in 

Retreat To Recover

Retreat To Recover

It’s been a few months since my last “proper” post and it makes me chuckle to think its subject was Resistance. One may imagine that not having blogged since then may have been caused by said Resistance! But that’s not true. The reason I haven’t 

Dealing With Resistance To Creativity

Dealing With Resistance To Creativity

When I started exploring and opening up to my creativity again, it was hard. I felt so much Resistance. I was living in The Netherlands once more, and every time the day came around for my weekly painting class I didn’t want to go. I 

Huskies, Birdies And Queenie

Huskies, Birdies And Queenie

I met one of my writing friends, Cecilia, at a series of workshops run by Jo Parfitt in The Netherlands a few years ago. Titled The Naked Writer, it consisted of six workshops where we delved deeply into our being to write from that space. 

Birds Help Me To Get Unstuck

Birds Help Me To Get Unstuck

Ironically I’ve been a bit stuck with publishing my blog posts since I was on a writing retreat at the end of June. I’d been so inspired there that I was raring to go when I got home, only to find myself right back in 

Bonding With My Dad Over Birds

Bonding With My Dad Over Birds

During a recent trip to The Netherlands to visit my parents and my brother, my dad and I went to one of our favourite local bird hides on my last day. I wasn’t flying till the evening so I had a full day to do 

How I Came To Love Birds

How I Came To Love Birds

I love birds. They inspire me. It wasn’t always this way though. I remember I loved animals as a child, but then somewhere along the line I lost interest in them (even though at one point I’d wanted to be a vet!), and instead turned 

Take Yourself On A Date

Take Yourself On A Date

I often take myself on a date. An artist’s date, a writer’s date or a well-being date; whatever you want to call it, it’s doing something for myself that I love, enjoy and feel good about that nurtures my soul. For example, I will take 

Making 2017 Awesome

Making 2017 Awesome

2017 kicked off with two goal-setting workshops for me: one of them I designed and ran for Creative Edinburgh, and the other one was facilitated by my coach and mentor, Kim Ingleby, where I was a participant. Both of them were about focusing and getting